Under the Canadian Food Safety Regulations (SFCR), any food, seed or animal feed labelled as organic is regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).文章源自FOFCC-http://www.fofcc.org.cn/en/show/21487.html
Hemp plants and their cultivation, cosmetics, pet food and natural health products are among the commodities excluded from the scope of the Canadian Organic System overseen by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Products excluded from the scope cannot be certified under the Canadian Organic System or carry the Canadian Organic logo.文章源自FOFCC-http://www.fofcc.org.cn/en/show/21487.html
If an organic product is sold in or outside of Canada using the Canada Organic logo, the product must be certified as organic under the Canada Organic Standard in accordance with Part 13 of the SFCR.The SFCR also outlines the organic certification system known as the Canadian Organic System. The purpose of the Canadian Organic System is to regulate all parties involved in the certification of organic products (including operators, certification bodies and accreditation bodies) and to verify that all applicable regulatory requirements, standards and guidance documents are met.文章源自FOFCC-http://www.fofcc.org.cn/en/show/21487.html
Certificaiton logo

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulates the use of the Canadian Organic Label. The organic label is only permitted on products that are ≥95% organic and have been certified in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Organic System. The use of the organic logo is voluntary, but must comply with the requirements of section 359(1) of the Canadian Food Safety Regulations.
COR organic products'special requirements: Organic product must be bilingually labelled in English and French unless it qualifies for an exemption under 354(d), 355(1) of the Canadian Food Safety Regulations.文章源自FOFCC-http://www.fofcc.org.cn/en/show/21487.html

The U.S. and Canadian governments have signed an agreement on organic equivalence, whereby products with Canadian COR organic certification can be exported to the U.S. in the form of organic products, and the U.S. Organic Certification Mark can be added to the products. When obtaining the Canadian COR organic certification issued by FOFCC, you can also apply for the COR certification with the U.S. declaration of equivalence, and when exporting products to the U.S., the sales certificate can also be marked on the product in line with U.S. and Canadian organic standards.文章源自FOFCC-http://www.fofcc.org.cn/en/show/21487.html